It is widely known now that fruit can play an important part in the detoxification of our bodies. In today’s world we are exposed to more toxins than ever before. These are in the form of environmental poisons such as car and factory fumes, fertiliser and pesticide residues in mass-produced food and parabens and other chemicals that are present in body lotions, moisturisers and perfumes.
On top of that we are putting our bodies under more mental strains, due to stresses related to work, mortgages and our personal lives. This leads to an acidic, chemical imbalance in our bodies.
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Effects of Toxins
Toxins are stored in our glands, fat cells and organs. Excess toxicity in our bodies can lead to diseases such as arthritis, cancer, heart disease and diabetes. It can also lead to early ageing, cellulite in women’s bodies and the inability to break down fat in both men and women.
How our Bodies Detoxify
Toxins are usually expelled via our colons. They eliminate unusable portions of food and other waste from the body. If the wrong foods are eaten on a regular basis, however, waste products can accumulate in the colon and increase the levels of toxins in our bodies. This will make us feel sluggish and tired.
There are various ways to encourage our bodies to detoxify naturally. While drinking at least eight glasses of water every day will help our bodies detoxify, fruit can also play a large part in helping us to eliminate toxins.
Fruit helps redress the alkaline condition of the body and provides sufficient energy to help us through the day. It’s full of dietary fibre, which helps our intestines work more efficiently, and so expel toxins quicker.
In addition to absorbing a high level of vitamins from the fruits, the cleansing process will boost the function of organs in your body, such as the liver and gall bladder. After a few days of eating plenty of fruit, you are also likely to notice an increase in energy.
Effects of Detoxification
If you haven’t eaten fruit or vegetables for a long time, your body may react to the detoxification process. This is nothing unusual; it is just your body’s way of adjusting to losing the toxins, which have been stored in your body for a long time. During the detoxification process, some of these stored toxins will rush into your blood stream before they are eliminated. The symptoms include:
- Drowsiness, mouth sores, bad breath, an upset stomach
- Intestinal discomfort, wind, headaches, a feeling of giddiness or nausea
The long term effects of regularly detoxifying your body include:
- Increased energy
- Possible elimination of allergies
- Improved vision
- Improved glossy appearance and growth of hair and fingernails
- Quicker reflexes
- Increased stamina
- Fresher breath, less body odour
- Better concentration
- Less stress
- Lower risk of developing diseases such as cancer, heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer’s
Once your body has got used to regular detoxifying, you should feel healthier and have more energy. It will also have the long-term effect of boosting your immune system, preventing diseases such as heart disease, strokes, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
I have always eaten an orange a day all my life. When it comes to the winter, I’ll eat about five tangerines a day. I have never had a cold and am rarely ill. I got this tip from a old Yogi master aged 92. He looked great and it was what he put his longevity down to.