Good nutrition is key to living a long and healthy life. Increasingly we are receiving poor nutrition from ready-meals, fast food and processed foods. These foods contain little, or no nutritional value, and are usually loaded with salt, hydrogenated fats, and sugar. Poor nutrition can lead to various health problems in the short and long term, and make you feel tired, lethargic, and miserable too.
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Nutritional Value of Fruit
Most fruit is naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories. What’s more, they don’t contain cholesterol, but are packed full of vitamins and minerals – the right nutrients your body needs. These nutrients include: potassium, dietary fibre, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid).
Diets rich in potassium will contribute to a healthy blood pressure and reduced risk of developing kidney stones. Fruits that contain potassium include bananas, plums, prunes, peaches, apricots, and oranges.
Dietary Fibre
Regular amounts of dietary fibre help reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. It is also important in maintaining regular bowel movements. Fibre helps reduce constipation and therefore reduce the amount of toxins exposed to the bowel for any length of time. All fruits contain dietary fibre, but fruit juice doesn’t, so you will need to eat the whole fruit to get this nutritional benefit.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is essential for the growth and repair of body tissues. It helps heal cuts and wounds, and keeps teeth and gums healthy. It is also a powerful antioxidant that neutralises free radicals in the body. Fruits that contain vitamin C include oranges, mangoes, apples and grapes.
Folate (folic acid)
Folate helps the body form red blood cells. It is especially important for pregnant women, as folate has been proven to help prevent foetal defects from developing, such as spina bifida. Fruits that contain folate include oranges, bananas and kiwi fruit.
Fruitarian Diet
Fruit is so nutritious, that human beings can actually live off it entirely. A diet that consists of 100% fruit and nuts will be rich in protein, calcium and vitamins essential for a healthy lifestyle. What’s more, fruitarian diets are low in fat, sodium and cholesterol.
Protein From Fruit
The body makes proteins to create muscles, tendons, ligaments, hair and nails. Proteins are also important in the make-up of enzymes, genes and hormones. Fruits that contain protein include: dates, avocados, figs, peanuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, and walnuts.
Fats From Fruit
Most of the fat in the Western diet is bad fat, saturated and hydrogenated fats that increase our risk of developing heart disease and cancers. Some fat is good fat, however, and these fats contain essential fatty acids and vitamins that help our bodies stay healthy. Fat improves the body’s absorption of vitamins A, D and E. Fruits that contain essential fatty acids include olives, avocados, and nuts and seeds.
While most people will find a diet that consists exclusively of fruit and nuts a little extreme, it proves that fruit contains everything we need to live a healthy, and happy life. Fruits are packed full of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and proteins, and don’t contain all the bad nutrition that leads to obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. Adding fruit to your diet won’t just make you feel better; it could save your life.
We all know about the five a day and with kids it can be much easier to have them eat fruit than vegetables. Most kids will readily eat apples, bananas, grapes and more but turn their noses up at broccoli. So keeping them up on fruit helps (and the fibre keeps them regular, too bonus!)
I want to know more about health benefits please