Patio Apricot Trees – Growing Fruit in Pots

There is something rather idyllic about homemade jams and chutneys and by growing a patio apricot tree, you can be treated to such delights.

Fitting the smallest of gardens, apricot trees in pots make a stunning addition to your outdoor space.

Patio Apricot Trees

Early spring brings beautiful pink blossoms and autumn rewards you with fruit. A reliable cropper too, patio apricot trees will not disappoint.

Apricot trees are less hardy than some of the other fruit varieties so will need a little care to get through very cold spells. After two years you should have your first crop of apricots, and apricot trees in containers will stay at a modest height.

Being in a pot means you can move the tree during very harsh weather conditions which will help its growth cycle.

Best Patio Apricot Tree Varieties

When it comes to selecting your tree, the information and choices can seem overwhelming with conflicting opinions. This is why we have chosen the very best patio apricot tree varieties that UK gardeners grow in their gardens.


Producing large fruits, tomcot apricot trees produce fruit suitable for both eating fresh or cooking with.

The flavour can be described as a little tart and the light orange colouring looks very autumnal during harvesting season.

  • Best Feature: Produces heavy crops.
  • When To Plant Out: November to March
  • Harvest Fruit: Mid July
  • Best Growing Position: Full sun & part shade


A juicy apricot with a sweet taste, the flavorcot variety is one of the hardier apricot trees on offer today.

Producing stunning colours of red and orange, the sibleys patio apricot tree does well in the UK climate.

  • Best Feature: Does well in the UK climate.
  • When To Plant Out: November to March
  • Harvest Fruit: August
  • Best Growing Position: Full Sun and shelter

Growing Apricot Trees in Pots – Patio Care Guide

Not all types of apricot trees do so well during very cold spells, so growing them in pots can have a big advantage. Should temperatures plummet, you have the option of popping your tree somewhere slightly warmer to protect it. Our top tips will help you be successful at growing your apricot trees in pots.

  • What Size Pot for an Apricot Tree? 45cm, can start in a smaller pot
  • Compost: Well-drained but don’t let it become too dry. Loam based is best.
  • Watering: During the growing season, water daily at the roots.
  • Feeding: You can apply fertiliser during the winter months.
  • Rootstock: Dwarf

If your patio fruit tree is very productive, you may have use for our guide on using up a glut of apricots!

Common Patio Apricot Tree Problems

  • Bacterial Canker: Sadly an often fatal disease, bacterial canker is visible through sunken sores on buds, branches, and the trunk. You may notice liquid seeping from these sores in the spring. There is no cure for this disease so maintain its health by regularly pruning it and checking its appearance.
  • Honey Fungus: These honey coloured mushrooms can be a real problem for gardens with apricot trees. This fungus can kill the roots of the tree and you may notice die back, decrease in flowers, and damaged bark. By regular pruning and caring for your apricot tree you might prevent honey fungus from occurring.
  • Birds: Fruits such as apricots will be very attractive to the wildlife, including birds who may eat the buds. Apart from feeding the birds with alternative offerings,  you can protect your tree by covering it in either fleece or mesh.

Pruning Patio Apricot Trees

Being a pot grown tree will mean you won’t be committed to a lifetime of incessant pruning. In fact, the routine will be fairly relaxed and can be carried out on a yearly basis to make sure your tree stays in good health.

When to Prune Patio Apricot Trees

Young trees should be pruned in spring just as the buds start appearing. Avoid winter at all costs as this can encourage disease. More established trees can be pruned during the summer months.

How to Prune Patio Apricot Trees

You can prune your apricot tree once it’s planted to encourage healthy growth. This means removing any damaged branches, avoiding keeping branches with a narrow crotch and doesn’t allow overcrowding. Pruning after this time will be minimal and focusing on removing any branches and buds that don’t produce fruits.


Can you grow apricot trees in containers?

Growing apricot trees in containers is popular in the UK as it keeps to a more manageable size.

How tall do patio apricot trees grow?

A patio apricot tree will grow no higher than 2 metres which makes it an ideal choice for small garden spaces.

What is the best compost for patio apricot trees?

Patio apricot trees appreciate a well drained soil but you should never let the soil get too dry. The best compost for your patio apricot tree is a loam based one and then you can add some organic matter.

What do you feed patio apricot trees with?

You can feed your patio apricot tree with a high potassium fertiliser during the winter months. You can also feed it mulch from your garden which it will also enjoy.

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